Recommended for use in niche coatings applications, eg. powder coatings, coil coatings, stoving paints or any other coating that requires high heat fastness.
Also recommended for use in plastics, synthetic turf, automotive interiors, wood plastics composites and synthetic leather.
Description: Zinc Ferrite is an inorganic pigment whose tan colour has been classified as Pigment Yellow 119/C.I. 77496 (Zinc Ferrite) by the Color Index System. Its basic chemical composition is a Spinel Fe2O3.ZnO Zinc Ferrites, being slightly redder than Yellow Iron Oxides, are used in niche coatings and plastics applications because of its enhanced heat-fastness vs Yellow Iron Oxides.
Typical properties, of Zinc Ferrites show very similar properties to Yellow Iron Oxides:
High opacity
High compatibility with all kinds of binders
Ease to disperse and to wet
Excellent solvent fastness
Excellent alkali fastness
Excellent light fastness
No metamerism
Environmentally-friendly profile